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第12章 打火匣 The Tinder-Box


《打火匣》,1835 年

the tinder-box, 1835



Andersen’s early fairy tales draw on oral storytelling traditions that revel in cruelty, violence, earthiness, and vulgarity and move in a burlesque mode very different from the pious tone of tales like “the Little match Girl.”


In part because of its preposterous excesses (the soldier in “the tinderbox” is guilty of everything from ingratitude and homicide to theft and regicide) but also its exquisitely charming moments (the three dogs filled with wonder at the wedding), the story has retained a certain appeal that allows it to stay alive despite its many violent turns.


“the tinderbox” was the opening tale of Andersen’s Eventyr, the first installment of his fairy tales.

它基于一个名为《蜡烛精灵》的丹麦民间故事,并且多次暗指其他童话故事 ——《长发公主》(塔中的公主)、《汉赛尔与格莱特》(谷粒的踪迹)和《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》(门的标记)。

It is based on a danish folktale known as “the Spirit of the candle” and has multiple allusions to other fairy tales—“Rapunzel” (the princess in the tower), “hansel and Gretel” (the trail of grain), and “Ali baba and the Forty thieves” (the marking of doors).


In his early stories for children, Andersen borrowed bits and pieces of tales from the oral storytelling traditions of various cultures, cobbling them together to form a plete narrative.

直到 1837 年《小美人鱼》出版之后,他才完全依靠自己的想象力来创作童话故事。

It was only after the publication of “the Little mermaid” in 1837 that he relied fully on his own powers of imagination to construct fairy tales.


the soldier - hero of “the tinderbox” shares many traits with war veterans found in stories by the Grimms and other European collectors.


brutal, greedy, and impetuous, he is not much of a role model for children listening to the story.


Indeed, stories about soldiers returning from war were generally intended for adult audiences rather than for children, although Andersen adds enough magic and whimsy to make the tale attractive for young and old.



A soldier came marching along the high road:

“左,右 —— 左,右。”

“Left, right — left, right.”


he had his knapsack on his back, and a sword at his side;


he had been to the wars, and was now returning home.


As he walked on, he met a very frightful - looking old witch in the road.


her under - lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped and said, “Good evening, soldier;


you have a very fine sword, and a large knapsack, and you are a real soldier;


so you shall have as much money as ever you like.”

“谢谢你,老巫婆。” 士兵说道。

“thank you, old witch,” said the soldier.

“你看到那棵大树了吗?” 巫婆指着他们旁边的一棵树说道。

“do you see that large tree,” said the witch, pointing to a tree which stood beside them.


“well, it is quite hollow inside, and you must climb to the top, when you will see a hole, through which you can let yourself down into the tree to a great depth.


I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pull you up again when you call out to me.”


“but what am I to do, down there in the tree?”


asked the soldier.

“去拿钱,” 她回答道;

“Get money,” she replied;


“for you must know that when you reach the ground under the tree, you will find yourself in a large hall, lighted up by three hundred lamps;


you will then see three doors, which can be easily opened, for the keys are in all the locks.


on entering the first of the chambers, to which these doors lead, you will see a large chest, standing in the middle of the floor, and upon it a dog seated, with a pair of eyes as large as teacups.


but you need not be at all afraid of him;


I will give you my blue checked apron, which you must spread upon the floor, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and place him upon it.


You can then open the chest, and take from it as many pence as you please, they are only copper pence;


but if you would rather have silver money, you must go into the second chamber.


here you will find another dog, with eyes as big as mill - wheels;


but do not let that trouble you.


place him upon my apron, and then take what money you please.


If, however, you like gold best, enter the third chamber, where there is another chest full of it.


the dog who sits on this chest is very dreadful;


his eyes are as big as a tower, but do not mind him.


If he also is placed upon my apron, he cannot hurt you, and you may take from the chest what gold you will.”

“这是个不错的故事,” 士兵说;

“this is not a bad story,” said the soldier;


“but what am I to give you, you old witch?


for, of course, you do not mean to tell me all this for nothing.”

“不,” 巫婆说;

“No,” said the witch;


“but I do not ask for a single penny.


only promise to bring me an old tinder - box, which my grandmother left behind the last time she went down there.”


“Very well;


I promise.


Now tie the rope round my body.”

“给你绳子,” 巫婆回答道;

“here it is,” replied the witch;


“and here is my blue checked apron.”


As soon as the rope was tied, the soldier climbed up the tree, and let himself down through the hollow to the ground beneath;


and here he found, as the witch had told him, a large hall, in which many hundred lamps were all burning.


then he opened the first door.

“啊!” 那里坐着一只狗,眼睛有茶杯那么大,正盯着他看。

“Ah!” there sat the dog, with the eyes as large as teacups, staring at him.

“你是个漂亮的家伙,” 士兵说着,抓住它,把它放在巫婆的围裙上,同时把口袋从箱子里装得满满的。

“You’re a pretty fellow,” said the soldier, seizing him, and placing him on the witch’s apron, while he filled his pockets from the chest with as many pieces as they would hold.


then he closed the lid, seated the dog upon it again, and walked into another chamber, And, sure enough, there sat the dog with eyes as big as mill - wheels.

“你最好别那样看着我,” 士兵说;

“You had better not look at me in that way,” said the soldier;


“you will make your eyes water;”


and then he seated him also upon the apron, and opened the chest.


but when he saw what a quantity of silver money it contained, he very quickly threw away all the coppers he had taken, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with nothing but silver.


then he went into the third room, and there the dog was really hideous;


his eyes were, truly, as big as towers, and they turned round and round in his head like wheels.

“早上好,” 士兵碰了碰帽子说道,因为他这辈子从来没见过这样的狗。

“Good morning,” said the soldier, touching his cap, for he had never seen such a dog in his life.


but after looking at him more closely, he thought he had been civil enough, so he placed him on the floor, and opened the chest.


Good gracious, what a quantity of gold there was! enough to buy all the sugar - sticks of the sweet - stuff women;


all the tin soldiers, whips, and rocking - horses in the world, or even the whole town itself there was, indeed, an immense quantity.


So the soldier now threw away all the silver money he had taken, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with gold instead;


and not only his pockets and his knapsack, but even his cap and boots, so that he could scarcely walk.


he was really rich now;


so he replaced the dog on the chest, closed the door, and called up through the tree, “Now pull me out, you old witch.”


“have you got the tinder - box?”


asked the witch.




I declare I quite forgot it.”


So he went back and fetched the tinder - box, and then the witch drew him up out of the tree, and he stood again in the high road, with his pockets, his knapsack, his cap, and his boots full of gold.


“what are you going to do with the tinder - box?”


asked the soldier.

“这与你无关,” 巫婆回答道;

“that is nothing to you,” replied the witch;


“you have the money, now give me the tinder - box.”

“我告诉你,” 士兵说,“如果你不告诉我你打算拿它做什么,我就拔出剑砍下你的头。”

“I tell you what,” said the soldier, “if you don’t tell me what you are going to do with it, I will draw my sword and cut off your head.”

“不。” 巫婆说。

“No,” said the witch.


the soldier immediately cut off her head, and there she lay on the ground.


then he tied up all his money in her apron, and slung it on his back like a bundle, put the tinder - box in his pocket, and walked off to the nearest town.


It was a very nice town, and he put up at the best inn, and ordered a dinner of all his favorite dishes, for now he was rich and had plenty of money.


the servant, who cleaned his boots, thought they certainly were a shabby pair to be worn by such a rich gentleman, for he had not yet bought any new ones.

然而,第二天,他购置了一些好衣服和合适的靴子,于是我们的士兵很快就被当作一位体面的绅士,人们都来拜访他,告诉他城里所有值得一看的奇观,以及国王美丽的女儿 —— 公主的事。

the next day, however, he procured some good clothes and proper boots, so that our soldier soon became known as a fine gentleman, and the people visited him, and told him all the wonders that were to be seen in the town, and of the king’s beautiful daughter, the princess.


“where can I see her?”


asked the soldier.

“根本见不到她,” 他们说;

“She is not to be seen at all,” they said;


“she lives in a large copper castle, surrounded by walls and towers.


No one but the king himself can pass in or out, for there has been a prophecy that she will marry a mon soldier, and the king cannot bear to think of such a marriage.”

“我非常想见见她,” 士兵想;

“I should like very much to see her,” thought the soldier;


but he could not obtain permission to do so.


however, he passed a very pleasant time;


went to the theatre, drove in the king’s garden, and gave a great deal of money to the poor, which was very good of him;


he remembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling.


Now he was rich, had fine clothes, and many friends, who all declared he was a fine fellow and a real gentleman, and all this gratified him exceedingly.


but his money would not last forever;


and as he spent and gave away a great deal daily, and received none, he found himself at last with only two shillings left.


So he was obliged to leave his elegant rooms, and live in a little garret under the roof, where he had to clean his own boots, and even mend them with a large needle.


None of his friends came to see him, there were too many stairs to mount up.


one dark evening, he had not even a penny to buy a candle;


then all at once he remembered that there was a piece of candle stuck in the tinder - box, which he had brought from the old tree, into which the witch had helped him.


he found the tinder - box, but no sooner had he struck a few sparks from the flint and steel, than the door flew open and the dog with eyes as big as teacups, whom he had seen while down in the tree, stood before him, and said, “what orders, master?”

“哈罗,” 士兵说;

“hallo,” said the soldier;


“well this is a pleasant tinder - box, if it brings me all I wish for.”

“给我拿些钱来,” 他对狗说。

“bring me some money,” said he to the dog.


he was gone in a moment, and presently returned, carrying a large bag of coppers in his month.


the soldier very soon discovered after this the value of the tinder - box.


If he struck the flint once, the dog who sat on the chest of copper money made his appearance;


if twice, the dog came from the chest of silver;


and if three times, the dog with eyes like towers, who watched over the gold.


the soldier had now plenty of money;


he returned to his elegant rooms, and reappeared in his fine clothes, so that his friends knew him again directly, and made as much of him as before.


After a while he began to think it was very strange that no one could get a look at the princess.

“每个人都说她非常美丽,” 他暗自想道;

“Every one says she is very beautiful,” thought he to himself;


“but what is the use of that if she is to be shut up in a copper castle surrounded by so many towers.


can I by any means get to see her.


Stop! where is my tinder - box?”


then he struck a light, and in a moment the dog, with eyes as big as teacups, stood before him.

“现在是午夜,” 士兵说,“然而我非常想见见公主,哪怕就一会儿。”

“It is midnight,” said the soldier, “yet I should very much like to see the princess, if only for a moment.”


the dog disappeared instantly, and before the soldier could even look round, he returned with the princess.


She was lying on the dog’s back asleep, and looked so lovely, that every one who saw her would know she was a real princess.


the soldier could not help kissing her, true soldier as he was.


then the dog ran back with the princess;


but in the morning, while at breakfast with the king and queen, she told them what a singular dream she had had during the night, of a dog and a soldier, that she had ridden on the dog’s back, and been kissed by the soldier.

“这确实是个非常美妙的故事,” 王后说。

“that is a very pretty story, indeed,” said the queen.


So the next night one of the old ladies of the court was set to watch by the princess’s bed, to discover whether it really was a dream, or what else it might be.


the soldier longed very much to see the princess once more, so he sent for the dog again in the night to fetch her, and to run with her as fast as ever he could.


but the old lady put on water boots, and ran after him as quickly as he did, and found that he carried the princess into a large house.


She thought it would help her to remember the place if she made a large cross on the door with a piece of chalk.


then she went home to bed, and the dog presently returned with the princess.


but when he saw that a cross had been made on the door of the house, where the soldier lived, he took another piece of chalk and made crosses on all the doors in the town, so that the lady - in - waiting might not be able to find out the right door.


Early the next morning the king and queen acpanied the lady and all the officers of the household, to see where the princess had been.

“在这里,” 当他们来到第一扇画着十字的门时,国王说道。

“here it is,” said the king, when they came to the first door with a cross on it.

“不,我亲爱的丈夫,一定是那扇门,” 王后指着第二扇也画着十字的门说道。

“No, my dear husband, it must be that one,” said the queen, pointing to a second door having a cross also.

“这里有一个,那里还有一个!” 他们都惊叫道;

“And here is one, and there is another!” they all exclaimed;


for there were crosses on all the doors in every direction.


So they felt it would be useless to search any farther.


but the queen was a very clever woman;


she could do a great deal more than merely ride in a carriage.


She took her large gold scissors, cut a piece of silk into squares, and made a neat little bag.


this bag she filled with buckwheat flour, and tied it round the princess’s neck;


and then she cut a small hole in the bag, so that the flour might be scattered on the ground as the princess went along.


during the night, the dog came again and carried the princess on his back, and ran with her to the soldier, who loved her very much, and wished that he had been a prince, so that he might have her for a wife.


the dog did not observe how the flour ran out of the bag all the way from the castle wall to the soldier’s house, and even up to the window, where he had climbed with the princess.


therefore in the morning the king and queen found out where their daughter had been, and the soldier was taken up and put in prison.


oh, how dark and disagreeable it was as he sat there, and the people said to him, “to - morrow you will be hanged.”


It was not very pleasant news, and besides, he had left the tinder - box at the inn.


In the morning he could see through the iron grating of the little window how the people were hastening out of the town to see him hanged;


he heard the drums beating, and saw the soldiers marching.


Every one ran out to look at them, and a shoemaker’s boy, with a leather apron and slippers on, galloped by so fast, that one of his slippers flew off and struck against the wall where the soldier sat looking through the iron grating.

“喂,你这个鞋匠学徒,你不必这么匆忙,” 士兵向他喊道。

“hallo, you shoemaker’s boy, you need not be in such a hurry,” cried the soldier to him.


“there will be nothing to see till I e;


but if you will run to the house where I have been living, and bring me my tinder - box, you shall have four shillings, but you must put your best foot foremost.”


the shoemaker’s boy liked the idea of getting the four shillings, so he ran very fast and fetched the tinder - box, and gave it to the soldier.


And now we shall see what happened.


outside the town a large gibbet had been erected, round which stood the soldiers and several thousands of people.


the king and the queen sat on splendid thrones opposite to the judges and the whole council.


the soldier already stood on the ladder;


but as they were about to place the rope around his neck, he said that an innocent request was often granted to a poor criminal before he suffered death.


he wished very much to smoke a pipe, as it would be the last pipe he should ever smoke in the world.

国王不能拒绝这个请求,于是士兵拿出他的打火匣,擦了一次、两次、三次火 —— 瞬间所有的狗都出现了;

the king could not refuse this request, so the soldier took his tinder - box, and struck fire, once, twice, thrice, — and there in a moment stood all the dogs;

—— 那只眼睛像茶杯一样大的狗,那只眼睛像磨坊的轮子一样大的狗,还有第三只,它的眼睛像塔一样。

— the one with eyes as big as teacups, the one with eyes as large as mill - wheels, and the third, whose eyes were like towers.

“现在救救我,别让我被绞死,” 士兵喊道。

“help me now, that I may not be hanged,” cried the soldier.


And the dogs fell upon the judges and all the councillors;


seized one by the legs, and another by the nose, and tossed them many feet high in the air, so that they fell down and were dashed to pieces.

“不要碰我,” 国王说。

“I will not be touched,” said the king.


but the largest dog seized him, as well as the queen, and threw them after the others.


then the soldiers and all the people were afraid, and cried, “Good soldier, you shall be our king, and you shall marry the beautiful princess.”

于是他们把士兵扶上国王的马车,三只狗跑在前面,喊道:“万岁!” 小男孩们用手指吹着口哨,士兵们举枪致敬。

So they placed the soldier in the king’s carriage, and the three dogs ran on in front and cried “hurrah!” and the little boys whistled through their fingers, and the soldiers presented arms.


the princess came out of the copper castle, and became queen, which was very pleasing to her.


the wedding festivities lasted a whole week, and the dogs sat at the table, and stared with all their eyes.


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