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第123章 卷19


马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 十九


helene poured a little grenadine into the glass she was holding, giving its warm amber a faintly rosy glow. She stirred the mixture gently and tasted it.


“Anybody ought to like this. try it, Ross.”


Ross mcLaurin took the glass obediently and managed a tiny sip. then he handed it back.


“I’m sorry.”

“没关系。” 海伦耐心地说,“我再试试别的。” 她拿起一个空杯子,开始往里面倒各种液体。

“that’s all right,” helene said patiently. “I’ll try another one.” She picked up an empty glass and began measuring liquids into it.

“不是调味剂的问题。” 年轻人不开心地说,“是酒精,我好像受不了。”

“It isn’t the flavorings,” the young man said unhappily. “It’s the alcohol I can’t seem to stand.”

“没关系。” 杰克安慰道,“我很多时候也有这种感觉。你会克服的。”

“Never mind,” Jake said consolingly. “I’ve felt the same way a lot of times. You’ll get over it.”


malone groaned. “we aren’t getting anywhere at all. of all the insane ideas—”

“你有更好的主意吗?” 海伦严厉地问。

“have you a better one?” helene asked severely.

“没有。” 他承认。

“No,” he admitted.


“then I’ll go right on trying.”


malone mopped his face. It was now seven o’clock, and helene had been inventing new cocktails since half-past five. In that time the young man on the bed had managed to down less than an ounce of liquor.


the collection of bottles on the bureau would have done credit to a high-class bar. malone reflected that he’d have them on his hands when this affair was over. he hadn't decided yet whether to drink them himself or just open a saloon.


In the midst of his reflections, the telephone rang. It was von Flanagan.

“马龙,我要把莫娜?麦克莱恩家的那群人都带到这儿来。” 警察报告说。

“malone, I'm bringing that whole bunch from mona mcclane's down here,” the police officer reported.


malone said, “You're doing what?”


“I want all those people to take a gander at the guy who was killed New Year's Eve. maybe one of them will recognize him.”

“好主意。” 马龙不置可否地说,“你什么时候这么做?”

“Good idea,” malone said nonmittally. “when are you doing this?”


“they're on the way right now. I want you to e along. And do you know where the hell that blonde dame might be?”


“malone said, “huh? who? oh yeah. Sure. I know.”

“别结巴了。” 冯?弗拉纳根吼道,“你能把她一起带来吗?”

“Stop stuttering,” von Flanagan growled, “can you bring her down here with you?”


“Easiest thing in the world.”


“then do it, and make it snappy.”


malone put down the telephone. helene was just taking a tallish glass, containing some poisonous-looking green mixture, away from the young man.


“this was a very special one, too. Shame to waste it. well, if you don't want it. I do—”

“放下那个杯子。” 马龙严厉地说,“你现在和冯?弗拉纳根有个约会。”

“put that glass down.” malone said sharply. “You've got a date with von Flanagan, right now.”


“why, what have I done?”


“I'll tell you on the way. put on your hat and coat.”

“海伦去哪儿我就去哪儿。” 杰克坚定地说。

“I'm going anywhere helene goes,” Jake said firmly.


“All right, you can e, too.”

“如果我要去和冯?弗拉纳根会面,” 她若有所思地说,“我得喝上那一杯。” 她迅速喝光了杯子里的酒,穿上外套,调整了一下那顶小巧的棕色皮帽。

“If I’m going to have a session with von Flanagan,” she said thoughtfully, “I’m going to need that drink.” She emptied the glass quickly, put on her coat, and adjusted the pert little brown fur hat.


“will you promise to stay right here until we get back?”


Ross mcLaurin nodded. “I promise. I know you’re trying to help me. I’ll do anything you say.”


malone said, “we won’t be long. If you want anything, pick up the phone and ask for it.”


on the way to von Flanagan’s office he explained the reason for the visit.

“我在想冯?弗拉纳根要多久才能想到这一点。” 她评论道,“这两起谋杀案是用同一张纸、同一把剪刀剪出来的。马龙,你觉得那把钥匙去哪儿了?”

“I wondered how long it would take von Flanagan to tumble to that,” she mented. “those two killings are cut out of the same paper, and with the same pair of scissors. malone, where do you suppose that key went to?”


“the murderer has it. he trailed me the night of the first murder and picked my pocket.”

“有这种可能。” 杰克说。

“It’s possible,” Jake said.


“or this tuesday trailed me and picked my pocket, and then the man who murdered him took it from him.”

“我更喜欢第一种说法。” 海伦说。

“I like the first one better,” helene said.


“or it fell out of my pocket somewhere and was lost down a grating.”

“那太无聊了,而且很可能就是这么回事。” 她说,“我想那把钥匙也打开了非常重要的东西。哦,好吧,为洒了的钥匙哭泣也没用。” 她伸手握住杰克的手,紧紧地握着。

“that’s dull and probably what happened,” she said. “I imagine it unlocked something damned important, too. oh well, no use crying over spilled keys.” She reached for Jake’s hand and held it tight.


they were the last to arrive at von Flanagan’s office. mona mcclane was there, looking very impressive and very small and very chic, in something black, tailored, and expensive. Lotus Allen was sitting in a straight chair, smoking a cigarette in a brown amber holder, seeming very cool and self-possessed. Jake noted and approved her camel’s hair coat, her small brown hat and trim little oxfords. the Vennings sat side by side on the worn leather couch. michael Venning’s face was pink and a shade indignant. Editha Venning seemed more pale and haggard than before. Gray squirrel and blue felt were certainly not being to her, Jake decided. Still, she must have been a howling beauty once. She met his gaze across the room with just the faintest smile of friendly recognition.


Louella white sat beside her in a big leather chair, her broad face impassive, but her small eyes watching everything that went on in the room. Jake wondered if she had been shooting at him there in the woods. She looked to him as though she would shoot at almost anybody, on very little provocation.


he recognized pendley tidewell from malone’s description. the tall, pale young man was leaning against the wall, one hand deep in his overcoat pocket. Jake suspected it was resting on his camera.


Von Flanagan was just awed enough by the assemblage to be angry. “where in the hell is that mcLaurin?”


Everyone looked vague.

“他可能又出去喝得烂醉了。” 洛特斯?艾伦最后轻声说道。

“he’s probably out on a drunk,” Lotus Allen said at last, speaking delicately.

冯?弗拉纳根哼了一声。“我会让人把他抓来。我要谁来这儿,谁就得在这儿。” 他生气地环顾了一下房间。“好吧,我们都去看看这具尸体。我只想知道他是谁。”

Von Flanagan grunted. “I’ll have him picked up. when I want someone here, I want him.” he looked crossly around the room. “All right, we’ll all go have a look at this corpse. All I want is to know who he is.”


At the morgue the members of the party went in one by one, acpanied by von Flanagan, while malone sat on one of the battered wooden desks, smoking a cigar. mona mcclane went first, was gone several minutes, and returned without a trace of expression on her face.

“不,我不认识他。” 她回答马龙的目光说道。她把外套紧紧地裹在肩上。“我原以为这里会是个更加阴森的地方。其实也没那么糟。”

“No, I didn’t know him.” she said answering malone’s look. She pulled her coat close around her shoulders. “I’d expected this to be a far more gloomy place. It really isn’t half bad.”


Lotus Allen went next, her face very white, her chin high. She came back, shaking her head. helene followed, and then Editha Venning, who returned sniffing a small bottle of ammonia the attendant had given her. She was followed by michael Venning, then the hard-faced Louella white, and finally young pendley tidewell.


It was while the latter was viewing the unidentified body that a terrific motion broke loose in the inner room. Von Flanagan’s angry roar seemed to shake the building to its foundations. pendley tidewell had attempted to take a few candid-camera shots.


Somehow malone managed to calm things down.

“对不起,” 彭德利?泰德韦尔抱歉地说,“我从来没有机会……” 他看了一眼冯?弗拉纳根的脸,赶紧闭上了嘴。

“I’m sorry,” pendley tidewell said apologetically. “I never had a chance to—” he looked at von Flanagan’s face and shut up fast.


of all the party, no one reported knowing the man who had been murdered on New Year’s Eve.


Von Flanagan thrust his hands in his pockets and scowled. “Someone in this crowd is a liar. because the same person who murdered the man in mrs. mcclane’s house murdered this guy.”

马龙把雪茄上的烟灰弹掉。“你这是瞎猜。” 他轻蔑地说,“仅仅因为这两个人碰巧都有同一个伦敦鞋匠做的鞋。”

malone knocked the ashes from his cigar. “You’re making a wild guess,” he said scornfully. “Just because the two men both happened to have had their shoes made by the same London shoemaker.”

“这么说你也注意到了。” 冯?弗拉纳根吼道。

“So you noticed that, too,” von Flanagan growled.

“这说明不了什么。” 马龙平静地说。

“It doesn’t mean a thing,” malone began blandly.

“不只是鞋子。” 冯?弗拉纳根咆哮道,“不只是鞋子、西服或者衬衫。还有名字。”

“It ain’t just the shoes.” von Flanagan roared. “It ain’t just the shoes, or the suits or the shirts. It’s the names.”

“名字?” 马龙重复道。他不知道自己是否和房间里的其他人一样一脸茫然。

“the names?” malone repeated. he wondered if he looked as blank as everyone else in the room.”

“我把这群人带到这儿来不是因为这个人身份不明,” 冯?弗拉纳根说,“而是因为他已经被确认了身份。因为我发现这两个人之间的联系不仅仅是同一个鞋匠做的鞋。因为他们是同一个人。”

“I didn’t bring this mob down here because this guy hadn’t been identified,” von Flanagan said, “but because he had been. because I found out there’s more connection between these two than having the same shoemaker. because they’re the same guy.”


he paused. his face was slowly turning a rich magenta. Suddenly he turned, walked across the room and opened a door at the far end.


“mr. dickett, you e in here now.”


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