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第117章 卷13


马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 十三


It was eight in the morning when malone called maggie and told her he probably wouldn’t show up at the office till afternoon, if at all. In the meantime, she could reach him at his hotel. by that time Ross mcLaurin was sleeping, but it was the normal, sober sleep of pure exhaustion. then he phoned Jake, and arranged to meet him at Gordon’s for breakfast, at nine.


Jake hung up the receiver and sat on the edge of his bed, one sock on, the other dangling from his hand. malone’s telephone call had found him awake. he had, in fact, been awake all night.


he put on the other sock slowly and thoughtfully, without noticing that it was inside out. the apartment was a mess. In twenty-four hours he had managed to make it look like the bottom of a squirrel cage. what it needed now was a woman’s hand. he had e to this original conclusion at two o’clock that morning.


Jake put on one shoe, tied it, and then decided to straighten up the apartment. he picked up a mass of shirts, underwear, and socks, about half of them clean, from the floor and dumped them out of sight in a bureau drawer. he assembled a heap of yesterday’s newspapers knee-high around the wastebasket.


the living room, with its long windows and deep, cushiony chairs, had been designed for cheerfulness and informal fort. to Jake it looked about as cheerful as a lonely stretch of swampland in a fog. A thin, gray January rain slid down the windows, curtaining the room to a gloomy half-darkness. chairs and tables all seemed to be in the wrong places. on every table was a revolting little litter of empty match folders, tiny scraps of waste-paper, crumpled cigarette packages, and overflowing ash trays. Jake’s tie hung limply over a bridge lamp, his overcoat was flung over one end of the sofa. there were unread magazines everywhere, a half-empty bottle of Scotch was on the floor beside the biggest chair, and a full bottle of gin stood on the bookcase.


Jake stood in the middle of the desolation and remembered. helene, at the party here in this room, the day of their marriage. It had been at that party mona mcclane had made her damned bet. helene, in the big blue chair by the window. helene mixing a drink in the kitchenette. helene adjusting her hat by the mirror near the door. helene everywhere. Jake decided not to clean up the apartment. the hell with it.


he felt terrible.


the two of them could have had a swell time here in this apartment.


he poured himself three quarters of an inch of Scotch, went back to the bedroom, and put on the other shoe.


twenty minutes later he faced malone across a table in Gordon’s.

“我希望你昨晚睡得比我好。” 杰克咆哮道。

“I hope you had a better night’s sleep than I did,” Jake growled.


malone started to say he hadn't had any kind of night's sleep, good or bad, thought better of it, and said, “Sure, swell.”


After the waiter had gone, Jake looked at his watch. he said, “when it's nine o'clock here, it's nine o'clock in havana, too. I suppose helene is just waking up now.”

马龙听到最后一句话,刚想说 “她……”,又及时忍住了。“更有可能的是她刚要睡觉。你在乎什么?”

malone heard the last words, said, “She was—” and caught himself just in time. “more likely she's just getting to bed. what do you care?”

“我不在乎。” 杰克冷酷地说。“不过,很奇怪你没收到她的明信片。”

“I don't,” Jake said grimly. “Funny, though, that you didn't get a postcard from her.”

“在哈瓦那谁都没时间寄明信片。” 马龙说着,把大量的奶油倒进咖啡里。“我不明白他们在那儿卖明信片干嘛。” 他用力搅拌着。“也许我该给她写封信,告诉她你气色不错。”

“Nobody ever has time to send postcards from havana,” malone said, pouring cream lavishly into his coffee. “I don't see why they even bother to sell postcards down there.” he stirred vigorously. “maybe I ought to drop her a note and tell her you're looking well.”


Jake dropped his spoon with a noisy clatter. “Look here, malone. If you do write to helene now, or any other time, I don't want you to mention me at all. Not even mention my name. See?”

“当然,当然,当然。” 律师急忙说。“你为什么不和她和好呢?”

“Sure, sure, sure,” the lawyer said hastily. “why don't you make up with her?”


“You go to hell and mind your own business.”


“both, or do I get a choice?”


malone sipped his coffee and pondered the problem of the day. helene would show up before long to help pry evidence from Ross mcLaurin. Somehow Jake had to be kept out of the way for the time being. A vague idea began to form slowly in his mind.


Jake stared gloomily at his omelet. “that damned woman!”



“不,莫娜?麦克莱恩。昨天我查了从她下那个赌注那天起到现在的所有凶杀案。” 他从口袋里掏出一张脏兮兮皱巴巴的纸。“有十一宗。其中两宗我们知道。五宗可以排除,因为凶手已经被抓住了 —— 都是些抢劫和酒馆斗殴之类的常规案件。剩下的四宗里,一宗是在第四十一大街附近的一条小巷里发现的一个黑人,喉咙被割断了,一宗是一个叫奥斯卡?佐特克的洗衣店司机,他被从卡车上拖下来打了一顿,另外两宗是新年夜被刺伤的那个身份不明的人和图伊兹先生。” 他把单子放回口袋里。

“No, mona mcclane. Yesterday I checked up on all the homicides between the day she made that bet and the present.” he drew a soiled and wrinkled paper from his pocket. “there were eleven. two of those we know about. Five can be checked off because the slayers have been picked up—routine stuff like stickups and tavern brawls. of the remaining four, one is a Negro found up an alley off 41st Street, with his throat cut, one is a laundry driver named oscar Zaudtke who was dragged from his truck and slugged, and the other two were your unidentified guy who was stabbed on New Year’s Eve and mr. tuesday.” he put the list back in his pocket.

“我怀疑莫娜?麦克莱恩既没有割断那个黑人的喉咙,也没有打那个洗衣店司机。” 马龙说。“你的单子不太有希望。”

“I doubt if mona mcclane cut the Negro’s throat or slugged the laundry driver,” malone said. “Your list isn’t very promising.”


Jake sighed, cut a square inch off his omelet, picked it up on his fork, and put it down again. “those two I named last would be very promising, only they don’t conform to the terms of the bet.”

“在公共街道上被枪杀,有很多目击者。” 马龙喃喃地说。

“Shot down in the public streets, with plenty of witnesses,” malone murmured.

“目击者!” 杰克把煎蛋卷推到一边,一了百了。“那两个人。那个身份不明的人和图伊兹先生。我现在知道他们是谁以及他们为什么死了。”

“witnesses!” Jake shoved the omelet to one side, once and for all. “those two guys. the unidentified one and tuesday. I know now who they were and why they died.”


malone strangled on his coffee. “I wish people wouldn’t startle me. All right, who were they?”

“他们 —— 是目击者!” 杰克得意洋洋地说。

“they—were the witnesses!” Jake said triumphantly.


“maybe I’m just backward, but I don’t get it.”


“mona mitted her murder according to specifications. these two guys witnessed it. then they started blackmailing her, or threatening to expose her, and she had to do them in.”

“一个很不错的想法,” 马龙说,“但是最初的尸体在哪里呢?”

“A very pretty notion,” malone said, “but where’s the original corpse?”

“该死,我不知道,” 杰克生气地说,“也许还没被发现呢。”

“damn it, I don’t know,” Jake said angrily. “maybe it hasn’t been discovered yet.”


“A murder done right out in public, as the bet specified, and the corpse still lying around undiscovered?”


“A corpse can be moved, and witnesses can be bribed.”

“随你便吧,” 律师疲倦地说,“你要做的就是在芝加哥地区寻找一具失踪的、身份不明的尸体。也许你最好也去密尔沃基和加里查一查。赌注里可没规定地点。”

“Suit yourself,” the lawyer said wearily. “All you have to do is search the chicago area for a lost and unknown corpse. maybe you’d better check up on milwaukee too, and Gary. there weren’t any specifications about locale.”


Jake looked at him gloomily and was silent for a moment. “malone, do you need any of your two hundred bucks back?”

“现在不用。” 马龙说,“你需要钱吗?”

“Not right away.” malone said. “Need any dough?”


“No. I thought you might. while I was checking up on the local homicides yesterday, I got into a crap game with some times photographers.”

“我一大早就受够了,” 马龙生气地说,“吃完你的早餐,让我安静一会儿。”

“I’ve had all I can stand this early in the morning,” malone said crossly. “Finish your breakfast and leave me in peace.”


Jake was silent for two minutes and then said, “Say, there was a funny item in the paper this morning. Some guy had his car stolen last night. A phony call went in to the police reporting it seen way down on the south side.”

“那没什么,” 马龙说,“每当有车在警方广播中被报失窃,就会有六七个怪人打电话来说他们看到了那辆车。”

“that’s nothing,” malone said. “whenever a car is reported stolen on the police radio, there’s half a dozen calls from cranks who think they saw it.”


“Yes, but wait a minute. the guy who made the phony call said his name was Gerald tuesday.”

“纯粹是巧合,” 马龙向他保证,“是另一个杰拉尔德?图伊兹。”

“pure coincidence,” malone assured him. “It was another Gerald tuesday.”


Jake said, “I’ll believe there was one Gerald tuesday. I’m damned if I’ll believe there were two of them.”


malone leaned across the table, looked around as though spotting eavesdroppers, and said in a low voice, “Jake, do you believe in spiritualism?”


Jake dropped his spoon again, stared at the lawyer for a moment, then rose, kicking back his chair. “Let me out of here!”


the two men paused for a moment just outside the door, standing in the shelter of the entrance. Jake looked at his watch. “well, it’s another day. I might as well go over and call on mona mcclane.”

“听着,” 马龙赶紧说,“鉴于莫娜?麦克莱恩的谋杀案可能不是在芝加哥地区发生的,我给你一个线索。布莱克县在掩盖一起凶杀案。”

“Listen,” malone said quickly, “along the line that mona mcclane’s murder may not have been mitted in the chicago area, I picked up a tip for you. blake county is covering up a homicide.”


“what’s that?”


malone was thinking up details fast. “I don’t know the reason it’s being covered, but I do know no news is being given out to the public. You know how blake county is, with all those rich and influential guys living there.”


Jake nodded and said slowly, “mona mcclane’s country place is in blake county, too. where did you pick this up?”


“From a bookie who lives up there. Ran into him at the city hall.”

“这可能是个线索。” 红发男人说。

“It might be something,” said the red-haired man.


malone told his conscience that everything would be all right in the end. he said, “well, you know Andy Ahearn, the sheriff out there. You ought to be able to pry information out of him if anyone could.”

杰克又点了点头。“是的,我可以。如果我快点,我能赶上下一班北岸火车。” 他向一辆路过的出租车挥了挥手。“谢谢,马龙。”

Jake nodded again. “Yes, I could. If I step on it, I can make the next North Shore train.” he waved at a passing taxi. “thanks, malone.”

“没关系。你回来的时候给我打电话。” 他看着直到出租车消失在拉什街。这是个卑鄙的把戏,但这能让杰克离开几个小时,而马龙现在非常需要这几个小时。

“that’s all right. call me when you get back.” he watched until the taxi had vanished down Rush Street. It was a dirty trick, but it would keep Jake out of the way for a few hours, and malone needed those hours badly right now.


After a moment’s thought, he hopped in a cab and drove to his hotel. there was no sign of helene in the lobby. he looked up at the clock. Five minutes to ten. She should have been here by now, to find out what Ross mcLaurin remembered, sober.


oh well, she’d be along. the little lawyer went up to his room, shaved and changed his shirt, and went down the hall to the room he had taken for Ross mcLaurin.


the young man still slept, a faint pink flush on his young cheeks. he might sleep for hours, malone reflected, and there was no use waking him in the meantime. there was nothing to do but wait.


he decided to call helene. the maid at the mcclane house informed him that she had gone out, at least an hour ago. No, she hadn’t left any message as to when she would be back.


malone hung up the receiver and yawned deeply. there was no telling when helene might show up. there was no telling when Ross mcLaurin might wake up and remember what he knew about the murders. In the meantime—


he slipped off his shoes, loosened his tie, and sank down in the easy chair After all, it had been a long night.


In two minutes he was sound asleep.


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