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第101章 卷34


马龙探案卷三 之 错误的凶案 三十四


JAKE FELt LIKE A SmALL boY on christmas morning who sees his new skates for the first time, knows they are exactly what he wanted, and can’t understand why he is terribly disappointed.


heaven only knew how he’d wanted to win that bet. he’d been willing to go to almost any lengths, take almost any risks, to uncover mona mcclane’s motive for the murder of Joshua Gumbril.


Now that it had been found, now that he held it in his hand, he didn’t feel excited or elated or triumphant. he didn’t even feel surprised. For some inexplicable reason, he only felt disappointed.


Suddenly he realized that malone had been talking on the telephone all that time.

“…… 第二个人这么问,嗯?” 小个子律师用一种奇怪的平淡声音说道,“你不记得另一个人了,是吗?是这样吗?好吧,谢谢。很高兴我没给你带来什么特别的麻烦。如果我在芝加哥能为你做点什么,你可以在电话簿里找到我。对,没错。马-龙-”

“… second person who asked that, eh?” the little lawyer was saying in a curiously flat voice. “You don’t recall the other person, do you? Is that so? well, thanks. Glad I didn’t put you to any special trouble. If I can ever do anything for you here in chicago, you’ll find me in the phone book. Yes, that’s right. m-A-L-o-N-E.”

他放下听筒,坐在那儿盯着电话。“我没想到会在盒子里找到这个。” 他用一种奇怪、茫然的声音说道,“我没想到会在盒子里找到任何和莫娜?麦克莱恩有关的东西。” 他停顿了一下,看着他们,仿佛他们的脸能给出一些解释,最后说道,“那是不该在那里的东西。”

he put the receiver down and sat staring at the telephone. “I didn’t expect to find that in the box,” he said in a strange, dazed voice. “I didn’t expect to find anything about mona mcclane in the box.” he paused, looked at them as though their faces might offer some explanation, said at last, “that was what wasn’t supposed to be there.”


Suddenly he rose, walked to the window, and stood looking out across the roofs for a long time, his hands in his pockets, his shoulders hunched, his head bowed. Jake felt for helene’s soft hand and held it tight.

“走开。” 马龙意外地说道,“离开半个小时再回来。去喝一杯。去绕着街区走走。去做任何你们想做的该死的事,但让我一个人呆着。我要想想。”

“Go away,” malone said unexpectedly. “Go away for half an hour and e back. Go get a drink. Go walk around the block. Go and do anything you damned well please, but leave me alone. I want to think.”


Jake stared at the little lawyer’s back for a full minute, then led helene gently out to the hall and rang for the elevator. As they rode down he felt her arm trembling under his hand, and saw that her face was very pale. out on the sidewalk she paused, looking up at him.


“Jake, what is it?”

“我不知道,” 他说,“而且我也没心情去猜。”

“I don’t know,” he said, “and I’m not in the mood for guessing.”


She frowned. “I need a drink to help me think clearly.”

“跟我来,” 杰克说,“我是圣伯纳德犬(能救人的狗,此处表示能帮她找到喝的)。”

“Follow me,” Jake said. “I’m a St. bernard.”


they walked through the softly falling snow down madison Street to the corner of wacker drive, turned south for half a block, and entered a pleasantly noisy, though far from ornate, saloon.


Jake waved helene to a secluded corner and called for, “two double ryes, quick.”

“可怜的马龙。” 她轻声说,一边摘下手套。黑麦威士忌让她的脸颊恢复了一点血色。她点了一根烟,透过烟雾若有所思地看着,然后说:“不管怎么说,你赢了你的赌注。我希望你开心。”

“poor malone,” she said softly, peeling off her gloves. the rye brought a little color back to her cheeks. She lit a cigarette, looked reflectively through its smoke, and said, “well, anyway, you’ve won your bet. I hope you’re happy.”

“我不开心。” 他告诉她,“我应该开心的。我打了这个赌,我也想赢,但我不开心,你也不开心。而马龙最不开心。”

“I’m not,” he told her. “I should be. I made the bet, I wanted to win it, but I’m not happy, and you’re not either. And malone, least of all.”

“我完全知道他在想什么。” 她说。

“I know exactly what’s in his mind,” she said.


“then you’re a better mind reader than I am.”

“一直以来,” 她告诉他,“他都希望能找到证据证明莫娜?麦克莱恩并不是真的要打那个赌 —— 这一切都只是纯粹的巧合。然而,当他打开盒子的时候 —— 却发现了他最不想找到的动机。”

“All along,” she told him, “he’s been hoping he’d find proof that mona mcclane didn’t mean that bet -that the whole thing was pure coincidence. Instead, when he opened the box-there was the motive he hadn’t wanted to find.”

“那张结婚证书说明不了什么。” 杰克说,但他知道自己的语气没有说服力。

“that marriage certificate doesn’t mean a thing,” Jake said in what he knew was an unconvincing voice.

“1914 年 5 月。” 她梦幻般地说,“我恰好知道莫娜?麦克莱恩第一次公开结婚 —— 我是说正式的那次 —— 是在 1914 年 6 月 25 日。我确定这个日期是因为那是我出生的日子。”

“may, 1914,” she said dreamily. “I happen to know mona mcclane was married the first time-publicly, I mean-on June 25, 1914. I’m sure of the date because it was the day I was born.”

“那不可能。” 杰克说,“她不可能在那么短的时间里和冈布里尔离婚,甚至不可能申请到婚姻无效的判决。”

“that’s impossible,” Jake said. “She could never have gotten a divorce from Gumbril, or even an annulment, in that length of time.”

“也许她没有离婚。” 海伦说,“也许她从来就没有离过。”

“maybe she didn’t get one,” helene said. “maybe she never did.”

“但是。” 杰克说着,突然停了下来。

“but,” Jake said, and stopped suddenly.


helene nodded slowly. “that would mean her later marriage was bigamous. All her later marriages were bigamous.”

“好吧。” 杰克说,“不管怎么说,这就是动机了。”

“well,” Jake said. “there’s the motive, anyway.”

“但这不是我们想找到的。” 海伦悲叹道。

“but it isn’t what we wanted to find,” helene wailed.

杰克皱起眉头。“我想我明白你的意思。但是马龙 —— 他到底期望在那个盒子里找到什么呢?”

Jake frowned. “I think I know what you mean. but malone-what the hell did he expect to find in that box?”

“他期望……” 她突然停了下来,说,“我们最好再喝一杯。”

“he expected-” She stopped suddenly, said, “we’d better have another drink.”

杰克引起酒保的注意,喊道:“再来两杯一样的。” 然后对海伦说:“继续说。他期望什么?”

Jake attracted the bartender’s attention, called, “two more of the same,” and said to helene, “Go on. he expected what?”

“等一下。” 她的眼睛突然睁得大大的,充满梦幻,几乎闪闪发光。“他确实期望能找到莫娜?麦克莱恩谋杀冈布里尔的动机。但不是这种。绝不是像冈布里尔对她进行丑恶的勒索之类的。你也期望不是这样的动机。我知道你是这样想的。”

“wait a minute.” her eyes had suddenly grown large and dreamy, almost luminous. “he did expect to find a motive for mona mcclane’s murdering Gumbril. but a different kind. Nothing like Gumbril’s having an ugly blackmail hold over her. And you expected it too. I know you did.”


She paused while the bartender brought two more ryes, her chin resting on her fist.

“你明白吗,杰克?一直以来,莫娜身上都有一些英勇和快乐的特质。那个赌注本身 —— 送那个暖手筒的举动 —— 所有的一切。我们一直在为其他人找到杀他的动机 —— 卢拉梅、整个桑德斯家族、奥格特里夫人 —— 但不是莫娜。所以看起来动机一定和那个赌注本身一样英勇。现在却变成这样,一个肮脏、丑陋、普通的犯罪动机 ——!” 突然,毫无预兆地,泪水开始从她脸上流下来。“我受不了。我无法忍受事情变成这样。” 她在手提包里摸索着找手帕,没找到,无力地说:“该死!”

“do you see, Jake? there’s been something heroic and gay about mona all this time. the bet itself-the gesture of sending that muff-everything. we kept finding motives for other people to have killed him-Lulamay, the whole Sanders family, mrs. ogletree-but not mona. So it seemed that the motive must be something as heroic as the bet itself. Now to have it e down to this, a sordid, ugly, ordinary motive for a monplace crime-!” Suddenly, without warning, tears began to stream down her face. “I can’t bear it. I can’t bear to have it turn out this way.” She fumbled in her purse for a handkerchief, didn’t find one, and said feebly, “hell!”

杰克盯着她,从口袋里掏出一块手帕递给她。她擦了擦脸,大声擤了擤鼻子,说:“现在一切都结束了,我们知道了事情为什么会发生。” 然后立刻又开始哭起来。

Jake stared at her, drew a handkerchief from his pocket, and handed it to her. She mopped her face, blew her nose noisily, and said, “Now it’s all over and we know just why it happened,” and immediately began to weep again.


Jake suddenly realized that the enormous bulk of the bartender was shadowing their table.

“你在欺负这位小女士吗?” 酒保愤怒地问道。他放柔了声音,看着海伦说:“好了,好了,好了。”

“Are you picking on the little lady?” the bartender demanded indignantly. he gentled his voice, looked at helene, and said, “there, there, there.”

“走开。” 杰克含糊不清、无力地说。

“Go away,” Jake said vaguely and inadequately.


helene buried her face in her handkerchief and howled. the bartender made a sympathetic, clucking noise with his teeth, and said soothingly, “Never mind now, never mind. what’s the matter, is he picking on you?”

“是的,他是。” 海伦从手帕里说,“我哭是因为他不给我再买一杯喝的。”

“Yes he is,” helene said from the handkerchief. “I’m crying because he won’t buy me another drink.”

“这个大笨蛋。” 酒保责备地说。他又轻声说了句 “好了,好了”,拿起杯子,接着说,“如果他不给你买一杯,我来买。” 看到她不再流泪了,他又瞪了杰克一眼,然后离开了。

“the big palooka,” the bartender said reproachfully. he murmured, “there, there,” again, gathered up the glasses, and added, “If he won’t buy you a drink, I will.” Seeing that the tears had stopped, he scowled once more at Jake and went away.

“等你闹完,我的名声可就毁了。” 杰克生气地说,“这里离《先驱美国人报》只有半个街区,而且这里全是我的朋友。”

“A fine reputation I’ll have when you get through with me,” Jake said irately. “this place is half a block from the herald-American and it’s full of my friends.”

“我只是要确保他们永远不会忘记你。” 她擦去脸上最后一丝泪痕,拿出粉盒,开始精心而巧妙地补妆。

“I’m just making sure they’ll never forget you.” She removed the last traces of tears from her face, took out her pact, and began powdering it carefully and artistically.


the bartender returned to set the refilled glasses on the table. he shoved one in front of Jake and said “You don’t deserve this, Jake Justus.”

“现在不再是杰克?贾斯特了。” 杰克心不在焉地说,“我结婚了。” 他想了一会儿又说,“我是说,这是我妻子。这是贾斯特夫人。”

“It isn’t Jake Justus any more,” Jake said absent-mindedly, “I’m married now.” he thought for a moment and added, “I mean, this is my wife. this is mrs. Justus.”

“你喝醉了。” 酒保怀疑地说。

“You’re drunk,” the bartender said suspiciously.

“也许吧。” 杰克告诉他,“但她仍然是我的妻子。” 他一口喝干了黑麦威士忌,示意海伦也喝掉,看了看表,站起身来,开始扣上大衣的扣子。“我们前天的前一天结婚了。”

“that may be,” Jake told him, “but she’s my wife just the same.” he downed his rye, motioned to helene to do the same, looked at his watch, stood up, and began fastening his overcoat. “we were married day before day before yesterday.”

“哦,哦。” 酒保低声说,“恭喜。再来一杯,我请客。”

“well, well,” the bartender murmured. “congratulations. have another on the house.”

“谢谢。” 杰克摇摇头说,“我们很想喝,但我们得去见我的律师。” 他向海伦挥挥手,让她往门口走,然后向酒保点点头道别,而酒保为这件事担心了好几天。

“thanks,” Jake said, shaking his head. “we’d love to, but we’ve got to go see my lawyer.” he waved helene to the door and nodded good-by to the bartender, who worried over the whole thing for days.


out in the street, helene waved at a taxi.

“只有几个街区远。” 杰克开口说。

“It’s only a couple of blocks,” Jake began.

“我们现在还不去马龙的办公室。” 她说,“去州街和麦迪逊街。” 她对司机喊道。汽车在雪地里猛地向前冲去。

“we’re not going to malone’s office yet,” she said. “State and madison,” she called to the driver. the car lurched forward in the snow.


“what’s the idea?”


“You’ll find out. have you a tooth to spare?”


“one or two, in a good cause. why?”

“以牙还牙,两颗牙顶在头上也值了。” 她高兴地说,“我想看看弗雷特在冈布里尔被谋杀的时候正好在的那个牙医诊所。”

“A tooth for a tooth is worth two in the head,” she said happily. “I want to get a look at that dentist’s office Fleurette was in so conveniently when Gumbril was murdered.”

“哦,不,你不能这么做。” 杰克愤怒地说,“如果有必要,我可以为你把我嘴里的每一颗牙都打掉,但我绝对不会让人拔掉其中任何一颗。”

“oh no you don’t,” Jake said indignantly. “I’ll have every tooth in my head knocked out for you, if needs be but I’m damned and double damned if I’ll have any of them pulled.”

“胆小鬼。” 她冲他嚷道,“不管怎么说,牙医可能几个小时前就回家了。”

“Sissy,” she flung at him. “Anyway, the dentist probably went home hours ago.”


“helene, be reasonable.”

“你还不如把它拔掉呢。” 她安慰地说,“这总比牙疼好,而且你永远不知道会发生什么!”

“You might as well have it pulled,” she said soothingly-“It’s better than having the toothache, and you never know-!”


Jake was silent. he had begun to have an unfortable feeling that all the teeth in his head were beginning to ache.


holiday crowds still swarmed about the corner of State and madison, despite the snow and the lateness of the hour. the cab stopped on the northwest corner. For a moment helene stood staring up at the office building that overlooked the spot where Joshua Gumbril and his sister Fleurette had been slain. Suddenly she caught Jake’s arm and pointed toward the building.


“there it is.”


Jake looked up at the line of gold lettering that announced the doctor’s name, and shuddered. “helene, I don’t feel well.”

“事情结束后你会感觉好点的。也许你可以吸点麻醉气。” 她把他拉进大楼,把他推向电梯。

“You’ll feel better when it’s over. maybe you can take gas.” She dragged him into the building and shoved him toward the elevator.


As they went down the corridor, a girl emerged from the doctor’s office, switching off the lights behind her, and locked the door. helene hurried to speak to her.

“哦,我希望医生还没走。我丈夫有颗牙必须马上拔掉 —— 立刻。”

“oh, I hope the doctor hasn’t gone. my husband has a tooth that has to e out at once-immediately.”

“听着。” 杰克无力地开口。

“Look here,” Jake began weakly.


the girl looked at them in surprise. “this isn’t a dentist’s office. I’m sorry, but there isn’t a dentist anywhere in the building. maybe if you’d call the-”

“你确定吗?” 海伦问道。

“Are you sure?” helene demanded.


“Yes, I am. You might find-”


helene said, “but I was positive that this was a dentist’s office. why, I had a friend who had some work done here just two days ago.”

女孩摇了摇头。“不可能是在这里。医生上周就不在。而且,不管怎么说,他不是牙医。他是个产科医生。” 她沿着走廊朝电梯走去。

the girl shook her head. “It couldn’t have been here. the doctor’s been away for the past week. And anyway, he isn’t a dentist. he’s an obstetrician.” She went on down the hall toward the elevator.

“好吧。” 杰克说,“看来该你行动了。你有什么建议?”

“well,” Jake said, “it seems to be your move. what do you suggest?”


She ignored him. “my hunch was right. Let’s go back and tell malone.”


“what the hell would he want with an obstetrician?”

“别管了。” 她激烈地说,“我就觉得弗雷特不是在牙医诊所或者其他任何诊所看到约书亚?冈布里尔被谋杀的。我之前就有所怀疑,但现在我确定了。”

“Never mind,” she said fiercely. “I was right that Fleurette didn’t see Joshua Gumbril murdered from a dentist’s office or any other office. I’d suspected as much, but now I’m sure of it.”

“我还确定了另一件事。” 杰克高兴地说,“我刚刚死里逃生。”

“I’m sure of something else,” Jake said happily. “I’ve had a very, very narrow escape.”


they found malone hunched over his desk, talking into the telephone. he looked up as they came to the door and motioned to them to e in.

他们走进房间时,他对着电话说:“谢谢。回头见。” 然后把电话放在桌上,说:“那是冯?弗拉纳根打来的。”

As they entered the room he said, “thanks. See you later,” to the telephone, put it down on his desk, and said, “that was Von Flanagan.”

“他发现了什么?” 杰克问道,好像他真的需要别人告诉他似的。

“what has he found out?” Jake asked, as if he really needed to be told.


“he says he traced the ownership of the gun with three telephone calls. It was one of a pair sold to mona mcclane four years ago.”

“是吗?” 杰克平静地说,伸手去拿烟。“是那把枪打死了约书亚?冈布里尔和弗雷特?桑德斯吗?”

“It was, eh?” Jake said calmly, reaching for a cigarette. “did it fire the shots that killed Joshua Gumbril and Fleurette Sanders?”

“是那把枪。” 小个子律师轻声说。他站起来,开始非常缓慢而慎重地穿上大衣。杰克第一次意识到他看起来是多么疲惫。“是的,是那把枪。” 马龙又重复了一遍。他几乎是事后才想起来似的补充道,“他一会儿会在莫娜?麦克莱恩家等我们。”

“It did,” the little lawyer said quietly. he stood up and began getting into his overcoat very slowly and deliberately. For the first time Jake realized how terribly tired he seemed. “Yes, it did,” malone repeated. he added, almost as an afterthought, “he’ll meet us at mona mcclane’s in a little while.”


Suddenly, his overcoat half on, he picked up the telephone, clenched his cigar, and called mona mcclane’s number.

“我要去见你。” 他对着电话说,“我现在就去。我想知道你能不能把你和杰克打赌时在场的人都召集起来。我想让他们听听结果是怎样的。” 他听了一会儿,低声说:“是的,所有人。那很好。” 然后挂了电话。

“I’m ing up to see you,” he said into the phone. “I’m on my way now. I wonder if you can assemble the people who were present when you made that bet with Jake. I’d like to have them hear how it came out.” he listened a moment, murmured, “Yes, all of them. that’s fine,” and hung up.

“我们有必要搞得这么兴师动众吗?” 海伦问道。

“do we need to make a Roman holiday of it?” helene demanded.


malone said nothing. he stood by the desk, apparently deep in thought, for an instant. Suddenly he unlocked a desk drawer, took out the box containing mona mcclane’s muff, and tucked it under his arm.


helene told him of their discovery about the dentist’s office.


the lawyer nodded. “I hate to break your heart but I’d already found that out. Fleurette probably learned of Gumbril’s death the same way we did, from the newspapers. Not having to waste time identifying him, like ourselves, she was able to hike right along to his room and beat us to the box. being his sister she was probably familiar with his hiding place, and went straight to it.”

“那么她……” 杰克刚开口。

“then did she-” Jake began.


malone motioned him to silence. he ushered Jake and helene into the hall, followed them, and unlocked the door. they rode down the elevator and crossed the lobby without a word. As they got into the car malone said, “helene, just how fast can you drive to mona mcclane’s?”

杰克呻吟了一声。海伦说:“你真的想知道吗?” 她的声音里带着一个被问到能吃多少冰激凌的小男孩那种愉快的惊讶。

Jake groaned. helene said, “do you really want to know?” her voice held the pleased surprise of a small boy asked to demonstrate his ice-cream capacity.

她发动了汽车,这时马龙用沙哑、疲惫不堪的声音说:“我只是想在冯?弗拉纳根来之前有时间做些解释,仅此而已。” 又过了几个街区,他补充道:“别以为我喜欢这样,因为我不喜欢。但你们把我卷进来了,现在我必须把它做完。如果你们在路上说一个字,我可不保证会有什么后果。”

She started the car as malone said in a husky, painfully tired voice, “I’d like to have time to make a few explanations before Von Flanagan gets there, that’s all.” he added a few blocks farther, “don’t think I like this, because I don’t. but you got me into it and I’ve got to go through with it now. And if either of you say one word on the way, I won’t answer for the consequences.”


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